You were made to do great things // Encouragement

Serious question here...... 

Do you think that you are special?

I want you to answer this honestly.... Do you think that you are special?

I'll go ahead and tell you that YES! Of course you are special! 

I know that there are many of us, especially us women, that think we aren't as special as others, that we can't really make a  difference in this world. 

But please hear me when I say....You were made to do great things! 

Listen, there is only one you.  No one else has your strengths, your story, your thoughts.  No one else is you!...and that right there is AMAZING!

God has blessed you with some amazing talents... Use Them!

All of your struggles & experiences...don't think they are for nothing, they are apart of you! 

Everyone doubts themselves at times, but I'm giving you full permission to stomp those doubts  into the ground right now!

You can do great things, you just have to believe in yourself more.

Own your story. Own your struggles. Own your experiences.

You were made to do wonderful, amazing things.