Finding time to be creative
Finding time to be creative - Christy Haygood

Being a mom is a full time job by itself.  It’s super rewarding, but can prove to be very difficult if you also work from home (or like me and in the process of turning your passion into an income producing job.)

I love being a stay at home mommy and I wouldn’t change it for anything but I also need to have time to be creative and practice my passion of photography.

I feel like it is important for me to find time to be creative.  It’s a way that helps me focus, relax…..helps me re group in a way.

And to be honest…’s also a time that I can have to do something for myself.

As a parent, my focus is on everyone else all the time, so I think it’s important to do something for myself….and not feel guilty about it (that’s the tricky part.)

Finding the time, however… can prove to be a little bit more difficult.  I try to take advantage of every opportunity I have to work on my photography…whether it’s editing pictures during nap time, listening to a photography podcast while doing dishes or getting even practice shooting while my little one is playing.

While most of the time it is easier for me to work on things while the house is a little calmer (naptime or after bedtime)….there are many times where I can work on photography and get in creative time while my little on it up and playing.

*Taking pictures of my little one while she plays is a great way for me to get in some practice & have some fun!*

*Taking pictures of my little one while she plays is a great way for me to get in some practice & have some fun!*

It can be very difficult for stay at home parents to find the time to be creative and work something just for them….but it is it can be done, and sometimes (for the parents sanity) needs to be done. 

I challenge you (parent or not) to make time for your creative side. It’s amazing what can come out of a little creativity.