Practice, Practice, Practice

As you know, I typically stick to Landscape photography.  However, lately I've been trying to learn more about portrait photography.  I'll be honest....I have never really enjoyed doing portrait photography, it was just never my thing...but the more I'm and learning and practicing the more I am loving it! 

There are so many wonderful blog posts out there with different tips for improving your photography, but I believe the best way to really improve is to practice, practice, practice! 

Lately, my lovely model has been my little girl.  She can be a wild card at never know if she will love having her picture taken or if she will just run away yelling "NOOOO!!!"


Since practicing my portrait photography on her, I have learned a lot!!!! I will have a blog post coming soon on some of the things I've learned but for now my greatest tip for anyone is to just start practicing! 

Just like anything else you want to improve on practice makes perfect.....or at least more improved. 

If there is something that you have been wanting to get better at, I encourage you to just go for it.  Read tips/tricks on the subject and practice, practice, practice!