5 tips for traveling with kids // Travel

Ahhh vacation, such a relaxing time to get away……. 

until you hear that famous questions coming from he back of the mid size SUV, “Are we there yet?!”

In all seriousness, vacations are wonderful, even with littles in tow.  

One thing that was so important to my husband and I, was wanting to continue to travel even after having kids.  We knew that after having kids it would be a little bit more difficult (as in needing to plan more and save more) but we wanted to continue to make it a priority and pass on the love of travel to our littles. 

Being super honest, a vacation for a parent isn’t truly a vacation, in the sense of you don’t have to think about anything and it’s a carefree/stress free getaway….. because honestly as a parent you are constantly thinking about something and keeping track of the little humans around you. 

Buttttt…….. on the other side, vacations with children can be so magical! You get to experience new things through the eyes of a child.  You get to see them learn, grow, sometimes melt down and make some of the best memories that they will keep with them for years and years.  

So…. How do you make it through a vacation with children?

Here are my top 5 tips for traveling with children


One of the key things to making it through a vacation with kids is being flexible.  Know that not everything will be sunshine, you might hit some rough patches along the way.  Take a deep breath and cut your little one some slack…. getting away from their normal routine can be a lot on a little one.  Just go with the flow and relax…. seriously, they can smell fear. 


The ring in “The lord of the rings” is the snacks to your vacation….. its your precious.  Nothing is as terrifying as a toddler on the brink of being hangry.  Snacks are great to have on hand at any time during a vacation.  If you think about it (and if you are like me) when you are traveling sometimes your eating schedule can get a little out of whack… same for your littles, so it’s always a good idea to have a little snack close by.  Extra bonus (10 points to Gryffindor) if you can get healthy snacks… nutritious & good for their little bellies


Travel can be filled with lot exciting moments, but don’t forget to enjoy the little things.  Often times it’s the little things that make the biggest impact and that you will remember.  So while you might be enjoying a beautiful sunset on the beach with your family, don’t forget to watch you little one so carefully building their little sand castle…. there is some magic there too. 😉 


Vacations are great for getting away from “everyday responsibilities” but don’t forget the power of teaching your little ones along the way. Believe me….when you kids are actively doing something they are more likely to remember things that they are being taught. Travel can be a great teaching tool…. Embrace it! 


When planning your vacation compromise a little.  Not everyone is going to enjoy everything that you may have planned on your trip.  Comprise a little…… if you love history… GREAT!…. go somewhere historic. But if you littles like animals…. GREAT!… try to work in something with animals.  Comprising can make it fun for everyone, show them that you notice their interests and that you are going to nurture those interests.  Plus, more than likely everyone will learn something new and have fun doing it.  

Traveling with kids doesn’t have to be as stressful as some may make it sound.  In fact, we believe that the gift of travel and experiences is one of the most important things you can teach your kids.  I fully recommend traveling before kiddos come along, but once they are here never stop exploring the beauty of this world.

Now you get to see the beauty of this world through the magic of a child's eyes.