Mental Declutter.....

Are you like me and have about a million things on your mind all at once?!

I'm fully convinced that's what "baby brain" actually is.....

It's that you are already thinking about a lot and then you add taking care of tiny humans on top of that, and you have to be thinking about even more...

It gets to the point where your brain feels like mush, and sometimes you can't even complete a sentence because mid thought you forget what you were saying in the first place.

It's been said that physical clutter is linked to anxiety..... but let's not forget about the mental clutter that we deal with from time to time.

When I get in those moments when I feel like my brain is "foggy" (which happens more than I care to admit), I like to do a little mental declutter.....

In comes the Brain Dump!

All it is, is I sit down with a pen and paper (but you could type it out if that's your thing) and I start writing down everything that comes to my mind...... And I mean everything!!!!

I find a time where I can sit in the quiet and write. Once I'm done writing down everything I'll go back and group things in like categories (ex. Personal, Faith, Family, Business, Health, etc...)

This allows me to get all of my thoughts out and down on paper so I can get them out of my head, and I'm not trying to remember it all.

Another great thing about brain dumps is it allows you to see everything at you can go through and see what really is important to you and what things you can let go of because they aren't that big of a deal.

So if you feel like you can't seem to remember it all or you have too much on your mind, treat yourself to a new notebook and start doing a mental declutter...

It's amazing how much it can help.