Where does the time go?
As part of Aaron's father's day gift I surprised him with new pictures of Lacey. Last year I surprised him with pictures of me and Lacey, taken by the lovely and talented Myrna Loy Photography.
Photo by: Myrna Loy Photography
This year, I thought it would be nice to surprise him with pictures again, except this time I took the pictures. I must say that I am pretty proud of these pictures...not only because I have been trying to improve on my portrait photography but also for the fact that my little girl is growing up to be a lovely big girl!
While I was going through these pictures I kept asking myself "Where did the time go?!" I can't believe how big she is growing and how much she is learning. This makes me a proud mommy for sure, but it also make me kind of sad because everyone who said "time flies" was right!
My sweet little baby girl is now my sweet big girl! (Although, let's be honest....I still call her baby girl and probably always will....I'm sure she is going to love that when she's a teenager.)
Lacey....keep growing, keep learning, explore, be kind, have fun, use your manners, learn from mistakes and know that you will always be my baby girl.