Sounds like a good plan

Have you ever started a job or new venture in you life, with the best intentions of doing well and enjoying it?..and then you quickly realize that it is not your passion?

It can be so discouraging when you put in a lot of effort, because you want to succeed but at the same time you just aren't happy!  

I'm hoping that there are at least a few people reading this, shaking their head yes and voicing the heartfelt "ummm hmmm!"

Guess what?!?!.....It is so hard to succeed at something that you are not passionate about no matter how hard you try!  Sure, it can be done, it's just so hard! Don't get me's still hard work once you decide to follow your dreams, but I just feel that when you are very passionate about something, you don't mind working harder on it...and success just seems to follow. 

I'll be honest....although I do want this post to be inspirational, it's also a very personal post, because I have been there many times... spending my days working hard and just not succeeding.  Until one day when I decided...Why not?!  Why not just go for my passion?  I would be happier and honestly would have way more of a chance to succeed. 

The day I decided that, everything changed!  Yes, I'm still in the beginning stages of my photography business....but I feel like I am already succeeding way more than I have before because this is my passion! 

I know I have a long way to go but I know I will get there. And when I'm older and ready to retire I will be able to look back and know I made the right choices....I used my talents, went with my heart and did the best I could.....sounds like a good plan to me!