Is Social Media stealing your joy?


Don't get me wrong.... social media can be a wonderful, amazing thing, but dang can it steal joy pretty quickly.

Recently my family and I went on a camping trip. I was pretty excited to get away for a little bit, unplug and soak in all the fresh air. There's just something so calming and refreshing to me about getting out in nature.
It was a short trip, but I felt so rejuvenated.

..... and then it happened. It was my fault. While heading back home, we got some reception, and I checked social media. I had good intentions of just hopping on for a little bit... then all of a sudden, I started to feel it.... the comparison, frustration, and irritation coming on.

I know it ridiculous, but I also know that many feel the same thing when they hop onto social media. The moment I started to feel those things, I closed up the apps and set the phone down.

Like I said.... social media can be a wonderful thing. It's a great way to keep up with those you care about. It can be a fantastic platform to share and bring some positivity in this world.

....but you must remember that at the end of the day, social media is for fun... So just have fun with it.

Don't let social media steal your joy!

Try not to get caught up in the silly comparison game.
Try not to let other people frustrate you.
Don't allow an app to put you in a bad mood.

Just like in life... you can not control what others do, but you can control yourself and your actions.

I know for me...
I'm ready to get back to social media just being for fun.
Posting fun, positive, encouraging things that I would like to post, keeping up with the people I care about and those who inspire me, and not getting caught up in all the frustration mess.

Keep social media positive and fun!